

Curriculum vitae for Dr Smedler.


Our research group is located at the well-equipped research labs of the Department of Clinical

Chemistry at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and University of Gothenburg. We collaborate and share space with

the Sterky and Mondal groups, all with interests within molecular neurobiology. We also collaborate with the Landén group

at the University of Gothenburg, the Sellgren and Lundberg group at the Karolinska Institutet and with the Harrison group at

the University of Oxford. Dr Smedler is member of the ECNP iPSCs Platform for Neuropsychiatry Network, Psychiatric Genomics Consortiun Functional Genomics subgropup as well as founder of the Swedish human IPS network (ShIPS).

We are located at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Clinical Chemistry, Bruna Stråket 16.


Dr Smedler is a resident physician in psychiatry at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) and researcher at Gothenburg

University (GU). He is a member of the Young Academy of Sweden since 2024. Prior to that, he received his MD-PhD at Karolinska Institutet and MSc in engineering physics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. His thesis was focused on neural networks and calcium signaling. Next he moved to Gothenburg for postdoc in the group of Mikael Landén at GU 2017-2019 and medical internship at SU. 2020 he started residency in psychiatry at SU and his own independent research group with an ALF-position. February 2022 he was appointed docent (associate professor) in psychiatry. This year he was also granted two different major starting grants from the Swedish Research Council and the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine.

We are presently funded by the Swedish Research Council, Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine, Stiftelsen Psykiatriska

Forskningsfonden, Olle Engkvist's foundation, Kurt och Ingrid Dahrén's foundation, Söderström-Königska foundation, Lars Hierta's foundation, Åke Wiberg's foundation, Jeansson foundation, Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes minne, ALF, Magnus Bergvall's foundation, Åhlén foundation, Fredrik och Ingrid Thuring's foundation, Göteborgs läkaresällskap, Längmanska Kulturfonden, Märta Lundqvist's foundation, Wilhelm och Martina Lundgrens Vetenskapsfond, SUs foundations and Konrad och Helfrid Johansson's foundation.