
2025-02-10: we thank the Sahlgrenska University Hospital Research fund for accepting applications from 5 (sic) of our members!


2025-01-22: the Bipolar disorder working group of the PGC has now published its latest GWAS on bipolar disorder i Nature, in which PGC functional genomics did some analyses. Have a look here!


2025-01-19: our chapter on Polymorphisms and Bipolar Disorder is published in the book Handbook of the Biology and Pathology of Mental Disorders.


2025-01-07: we welcome associate researcher Johan Tenghamn to the group. He has a MSc in engineering physics and will help out with image analyses and other quantitative tasks.


2024-12-19: we welcome Debora Kaminski as new part time lab manager to our group! She works in the Sterky group but will share her time with us.


2024-12-12: opinion article regarding the importance of free academic research by Erik as part of the Young Academy of Sweden.


2024-12-09: we thank the Sahlgrenska Academy for faculty funds to cover 70% of the salary for a PhD student. The project will be on mitochondrial function in bipolar disorder.


2024-12-06: Erik contributed a text on assisted dying in psychiatry to latest issue of the Nordic Psychiatrist.


2024-11-27: we thanks the Åhlén-stiftelsen for renewed grant to fund our research.


2024-11-25: Erik participated in a panel discussion on what prevents scientists from doing research. Also available as podcast!


2024-10-18: Erik will participate in a panel discussion on a film festival arranged by the Swedish Society for Narrative Medicine.


2024-09-30: new PhD course Cellular models of the human CNS organized by Erik Smedler and Fredrik Sterky starts today.


2024-09-25: new paper out in Bio Protcol with the Sterky group Efficient Gene-Editing in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Through Simplified Assembly of Adeno-Associated Viral (AAV) Donor Templates.


2024-09-18: opinion article regarding research funding by Erik Smedler as part of the Young Academy of Sweden.


2024-09-02: we welcome master thesis students Rebecka Åkerman and Nicholas Htwe who will join for 1 year.


2024-07-10: new chronicle in Swedish on psychotic depression in Läkartidningen.


2024-06-27: we thank The Swedish Society of Medicine for renewed funds for our bipolar project and Emil och Wera Cornells Stiftelse for funds for our newly started project on glioma.


2024-05-25: new paper out in the American Journal of Psychiatry with Mikael Landén group Association of Occupational Dysfunction and Hospital Admissions With Different Polygenic Profiles in Bipolar Disorder.


2024-05-25: Erik Smedler is now elected as member of the Young Academy of Sweden 2024-2029.


2024-05-24: new publication in Molecular Psychiatry as correspondence together with the ECNP hiPSC network.


2024-05-08: second meeting with ShiPS at Karolinska Institutet on the use of hiPSCs in neuropsychiatric research.


2024-04-28:  new preprint together with Uhlén lab at Karolinska Institutet Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals the Molecular Logic Underlying Ca2+ Signaling Diversity in Human and Mouse Brain.


2024-04-11: we congratulate Ana-Iris Correa Muler who successfully had her half-time presentation yesterday!


2024-04-02: lecture by Erik Smedler on Svenska Psykiatrikongressen in Swedish on assisted dying in psychiatry.


2024-04-02: we welcome our new postdoc Vika Telle to our lab! She is from Latvia but did her PhD in the Netherlands.


2024-02-16: new paper out in Molecular Psychiatry with Mikael Landén group: Key subphenotypes of bipolar disorder are differentially associated with polygenic liabilities for bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder.


2024-02-09: we thank the Kurt och Inge Dahrén foundation for renewed funding for our schizophrenia projects.


2024-01-12: we welcome Saliha Musovic to the lab. She is a medical student and has a PhD in medical sciences from the University of Gothenburg.


2024-01-10: our PI Erik Smedler has been elected as core member of the ECNP iPSCs Platform for Neuropsychiatry Network.


2024-01-09: starting the new year with grant from PALS to start collaboration with Pantazis lab in Linköping on the electrophysiology of CACNA1C splice variants.


2023-12-18: we welcome Ana Iris Correa Muler as new PhD student in the group! She has recently worked in another group at the University of Gothenburg.


2023-11-28: we thank Åke Wiberg and Söderström-Königska foundation for prolonged support for our research!


2023-11-27: we thank all great applicants for the postdoc position and welcome Berta Marcó de la Cruz (from the University of Gothenburg) and Vika Telle (from the University of Groningen) who will join later in the spring 2024! In the spring we will also welcome two undegraduate students for internship projects!


2023-10-22: Erik has a new Substack blog in Swedish on psychiatric research. Please have a look!


2023-10-05: we welcome Parvaneh Nikpour as new member in the lab. She comes from Isfahan University, Iran.


2023-09-22: new postdoc position opening in the lab. Spread och apply!


2023-09-19: yearly kickoff with the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine at Marstrand .


2023-06-02: Niklas Bengtsson is now registered as PhD student.


2023-05-05: first meeting for a new network among scientists in Sweden using IPS cell based models for neuropsychiatric disorders. We met in Gothenburg and discussed potential collaborations as well as practicalitis regarding cell culture and quality control.


2023-04-17: we welcome postdoc Bingqing He to the lab. He recently got his PhD in Shanghai.


2023-02-01: Lovisa Lettius and Aleyna Nur Erim starts working in our group. Lovisa a junior doctor and will work part time and Aleyna is an internship student.


2023-01-09: new funding for making IPS cells from schizophrenia patients from Kurt och Ingrid Dahréns Stiftelse.


2023-01-04: new paper out in Journal of Affective Disorders with the Landén group: Association of premorbid intelligence with level of functioning and illness severity in bipolar disorder.


2022-12-02: new members in the lab recruited! We welcome Niklas Bengtsson (predoctoral student, from Chalmers University of Technology), Bingqing He (postdoc, from the ShanghaiTech University) and Sandeep Satapathy (postdoc, from the Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)!


2022-11-29: article on Erik Smedler in the university paper Akademiliv.


2022-11-25: we thank the Jeansson, Åke Wiberg and Åhlén foundations for prolonged funding for our research!


2022-11-03: one new paper accepted in collaboration with the Landén group: Effect of CYP2C19 polymorphisms on antidepressant prescription patterns and treatment emergent mania in bipolar disorder in The Pharmacogenomics Journal.


2022-11-03: we received new funding from both ALF (for a project on cell models of treatment response in mood disorders) and the Swedish Research Council!


2022-10-20: New associate researcher position opening in the lab. We are looking for prospective PhD students! Apply latest 22-11-16.


2022-10-03: the Smedler lab is now part of the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine (WCMTM). This includes a generous starting grant and enables us to hire more people. Stay tuned! 


2022-09-22: New postdoc position opening in the lab. Apply latest 22-11-21.


2022-09-06: MSc Melis Celik starts in the group as predoctoral student. She joins from Istanbul and will work on the IPS cells.


2022-08-24: medical student Johanna Kleppe starts her Master thesis work focusing on the association of blood biomarkers in bipolar disorder and its association to CACNA1C variants.


2022-08-19: paper accepted in Molecular Psychiatry with Mikael Landén et al: Cerebrospinal fluid proteomic study of two bipolar disorder cohorts.


2022-07-01: paper accepted in Neuroscience Applied with Mikael Landén et al: Metabolomics analysis of cerebrospinal fluid suggests citric acid cycle aberrations in bipolar disorder.


2022-06-13: medical student Tilde Joensuu starts summer intership trying to construct a schizphrenia prototypicality index.


2022-05-09: our recruitment of an associate researcher is done and we welcome Melic Celik to start in September 2022! Melis is finishing her MSc in molecular biology at Koc University in Istanbul.


2022-05-06: we received more funding from Göteborgs Läkaresällskapet.


2022-04-08: lecture by Erik Smedler on prototypical bipolar disorder and genetics from SPK 2022 (in Swedish).


2022-03-31: new position as associate researcher. See more here and apply!


2022-03-24: new grants from the Sahlgrenska University hospital and from the Olle Engkvist's foundation.


2022-03-14: master student Uli Klein from Heidelberg University joined for a 3 months internship.


2022-03-03: press relase from the University of Gothenburg (Swedish) and Karolinska Institutet on the new paper in PNAS.


2022-03-02: Erik Smedler was appointed Docent (corresponding to associate professor).


2022-02-09: paper published in PNAS with Per Uhlén et al: Disrupted Cacna1c gene expression perturbs spontaneous Ca2+ activity causing abnormal brain development and increased anxiety.


2022-01-19: we received funding from Magnus Bergvall foundation.


2021-12-20: Mårten Johansson, Aleksi Markkanen and Johanna Gratjova sucessfully presented their theses.


2021-11-08: we received funding from Stiftelsen Psykiatriska Forskningsfonden.


2021-09-01: master students Mårten Johansson, Aleksi Markkanen and Johanna Gratjova starts their projects.


2021-07-06: paper accepted in Molecular Psychiatry with Mikael Landén and Andreas Göteson et al: Cerebrospinal fluid proteomics targeted for central nervous system processes in bipolar disorder.


2021-07-01: medical student Emel Mehdi starts summer internship in the lab.


2021-06-18: we received funding from Svenska Läkaresällskapet.


2021-05-06: we received funding from Sahlgrenska University Hospital.


2021-04-21: we received funding from the Olle Engkvist's foundation.


2021-03-30: dr Mahnaz Nikpour will join the group and start working on IPS cell models during the summer.


2021-02-24: paper accepted in Journal of Neurochemistry with Mikael Landén and Johanna Kleppe: Cerebrospinal fluid and serum protein markers in autism: a co-twin study.


2021-01-25: Postdoc position for 2 years available.


2021-01-12: Melina Dukell and Shiva Hadi presented their masters theses In vitro model of bipolar disorder with focus on neural development and Measuring the activity of GSK3β in HeLa cells.


2021-01-04: we received funding from Kurt och Ingrid Dahrén's foundation.


2020-12-15: we received funding from Söderström-Königska foundation.


2020-12-14: Salma Mohamed successfully presented her masters thesis Stratifying bipolar disorder patients based on prototypicality using the Bipolarity Index.


2020-12-14: we received funding from Åke Wiberg foundation.


2020-12-08: we received funding from Lars Hierta's foundation.


2020-11-06: we received funding from Jeansson foundation.


2020-08-25: starting joint lab meetings with project presentations and journal clubs together with Sterky and Mondal groups.


2020-08-24: master students in pharmacy Melina Dukell and Shiva Hadi joins the lab. They will work on neural differentation of IPS cells and GSK3β. Also master student in medicine Salma Mohamed starts her project on new ways of stratifying bipolar disorder patients.